• info@myboozykitchen.co.za
  • Worcester, South Africa

T.A.S.T.E is for Olives

Picking out the best local table olives is what makes this perfect, but how do you go about choosing the right ingredients? We chatted to olive expert Linda Costa who gave us a few tips on picking the best olives, and we came up with the T.A.S.T.E. acronym to help you remember this valuable advice. T for Taste Olives are […]

How To Cure Olives

Now that you have started growing your very own olive tree, and know how to identify a good quality table olive, you could also look at starting your very own home ‘curing process.’ Olives must be cured before they can be eaten, due to the bitterness of oleuropein, (a polyphenol) which makes the raw olive fruit totally unpalatable. If you have […]

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