• info@myboozykitchen.co.za
  • Worcester, South Africa

Part 2: 8 Exotic Gartender Herbs for your Garden!

Hello dear boozy friends!! It has been a long time since we last chatted. I trust everyone is doing super well! A few weeks back, I discussed, how we can start our own boozy garden. This week, I am going to talk about eight exotic gartender herbs for our cocktail garden. I really like that word. G-A-R-T-E-N-D-E-R… It pretty much […]

Part I: How To Create Your Very Own Boozy Garden!

Wait…what….? Are we hearing right? Did you mentioned a boozy garden? But, how now, Mrs. Brown Cow? Yes that is correct my boozy loving friends, you indeed read correctly! Today, will be sharing with you in, how we can raise the bar, by having your very own cocktail garden! Yay!!! Friends, times have changed and so have cocktails! Today, it […]

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